Power electronics is a branch of electronics that deals with the manipulation and control of power in electronic systems. It is concerned with the efficient transfer and conversion of power in a wide range of applications, and involves semiconductors, control systems, electromagnetic devices, electrical motors, and so on. Power electronics find their applications in a broad spectrum of fields, including renewable energy integration, electric transportation, consumer electronics, industrial drives and control systems, energy storage, power distribution and transmission, etc. The field is constantly evolving, and new applications are being developed all the time as technology advances and new challenges arise. This seminar focuses to present and discuss new technology, material and equipment, applications, future trends and innovations of power electronics.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Power electronics
Circuit design and analysis
Semiconductor devices and materials
Power system design and analysis
Analog and digital electronics
Smart Grids
IoT Devices
Energy Storage Systems
Power transmission
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
+86-13018056523(Ms. Zhang) / 19986946053(Ms. Yuan)